"On this mountain, the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples." - Is. 25:6
I am SO happy you're here!
How to do the thing:
Understand that you (like the rest of us) are inherently a sinner, and that there is nothing you can do to make yourself good enough for God. This is why you need Jesus. The good news? He already did the work. And he wants you to come to him just as you are. He died for us so that all we would have to do is accept the salvation he offers. You can do this by praying a simple prayer like this one:
Lord, I know that I am a sinner and that this keeps me from you. Thank you for sending your son, Jesus, to die for me as a sacrifice that washes away my sin. Thank you that I can now be close to you. I ask him to forgive me and direct my life. I accept this gift of salvation and the presence of the Holy Spirit that will now live in me. Thank you. In Jesus’s name, Amen.
If you’ve prayed this prayer and meant it to the best of your ability, PULL UP A SEAT AT THE TABLE, we’re happy to have you! Don’t worry about your prayer being ‘real’ or heartfelt enough. God knows your heart, and he knows if you’re trying to be sincere.
Is it that simple? YES, it's that simple. Now we just do our best to emulate Jesus in all things (small order, huh?).
What now? Get a Bible! I love the Life Application Study Bible. Read this first:
1. The gospels (the first four books in the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) tell the story of Jesus and include his teachings. It might help to start with John and then work your way through them.
2. Next, I recommend reading Genesis, to understand the creation story and the downfall of man.
3. Read the book of Haggai. It’s a short book about putting God first in your life and how this sets you on the right path. I wrote about it here.
Once you feel like you have a good foundation, I recommend trying out a Bible reading plan that will help you make reading your Bible a daily habit. I love and use this one. It allows for two days off a week, but it is best to read every day if possible. We want to make God a priority. He is why we’re here, after all.
Where can you go to learn more about the Bible and Christianity for free? Check out Biblical Training, a website devoted to Biblical education where you can take a variety of seminary classes for FREE. I've used this site to deepen my own understanding of my faith. Its offerings range from total beginner to graduate level advanced seminary courses! 10/10 recommend.
Welcome to the Family!